イタリア旅行記②|Venice, Italy




In about two hours by express train from Milan, we head to our next destination, Venice, the city of canals. Just like on the Shinkansen, you can eat on the train, so there are many shops at the station—and of course, the pizza is the best!

水の都ベネチア|Venice, City of Canals

どこを歩いても絵になるベネチア…迷路のように細い道がたくさんあって、映画の中に迷い込んだようでした。Everywhere you walk in Venice looks like a painting… With so many narrow, maze-like streets, it felt like I had wandered into a movie.

夕食はシーフード| Seafood dinner

夜ご飯はこちらのベネチアの郷土料理が食べられるレストラン「トラットリア・アッラ・マドンナ」に行きました!シーフード中心にイカ墨のスパゲッティや雲かにのサラダをオーダー、もちろんワインも🍷For dinner, we went to this restaurant called Trattoria alla Madonna! We ordered seafood dishes, including squid ink spaghetti and a snow crab salad—and, of course, some wine. 🍷

夜のゴンドラ|Night gondola


When people think of Venice, many immediately picture gondolas. Riding one during the day seems nice, but since it was less crowded at night, we decided to give it a try! You can rent a gondola privately for your family or group, and the price is negotiable. At that time, we paid around 100 euros for a 30-minute ride for four people.

サンマルコ寺院|St. Mark’s Basilica


The next day, we visited St. Mark’s Basilica. This magnificent golden church features a golden statue of the winged lion, the symbol of Venice, at its entrance. Since I’m a Leo, I got a keychain of the lion as a souvenir🦁

世界最古のカフェ|The oldest cafe in the world

1720年の開業の「カフェ フローリアン」はまるで美術館にいるようでした。時間によってはオーケストラの生演奏を聴くことができます!

Founded in 1720, Caffè Florian felt just like being in a museum. Depending on the time, you can even enjoy a live orchestra performance!



These vibrant sweets…! As you walk through Venice, you’ll find many charming little shops everywhere. The Venetian glass was also stunning ✨ Next time, I’d love to stay at a hotel right in the heart of Venice!