Last summer, while staying in the UK, I took a three-day trip to Barcelona! In this post, I’ll share tips on budget travel between London and Barcelona.
The flight from London to Barcelona takes about two hours, and with budget airlines, you can get there for as little as ¥5,000 per person for one-way.
Headed to Luton Airport in London. However, the airport bus just wouldn’t show up and ended up sharing an Uber with a friendly Irish old man, a Polish lady, and international students from Singapore.. It turned out to be a memorable experience haha
Getting from Barcelona Airport to the city is super easy with a direct bus. It’s much safer than the metro. I got off at Plaça de Catalunya.
グエル公園|Park Güell
The first place I visited was Park Güell, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The weather and scenery were beautiful and the park’s decorations, showcasing Gaudí’s incredible sense of design, were so stunning.

グラシア通りでパエリア|Paella on Passeig de Gràcia
After walking around in the heat, it was finally time for the long-awaited paella! I was also surprised by the size of the sangria. Spain is famous for its tapas, and each restaurant has its own unique flavors, so trying different ones and comparing them is part of the fun!

Day 2:
カサミラ|Casa Milà
I would love to live in an apartment as stunning as this! Apparently, some people still live here today, paying the same rent as their family did back in the day.

On the rooftop, you’ll find many of these structures, designed to resemble knights guarding the building. The view is incredible, with the Sagrada Família visible in the distance.

カサバトリョ|Casa Batlló
Located along Passeig de Gràcia, Casa Batlló is a building inspired by the sea.

The ceilings, walls, and even the stained glass windows are designed to make you feel as if you’re underwater. The flowing, curved designs create a calming and immersive atmosphere.

カタルーニャ音楽堂|Palau de la Música Catalana
This is not a Gaudí work, but rather a concert hall designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner, who also worked on the Hospital de Sant Pau. The building is still in use today, and the ceiling, in particular, is breathtakingly beautiful.

地中海へ|Into the Mediterranean
初めての地中海へ足を踏み入れましたっ 白熱の太陽の元、パラセルの下でビーチで寝てる人たち気持ち良さそう〜!
I set foot in the Mediterranean for the first time! Under the blazing sun, people lounging on the beach under parasols looked so relaxed.

I had black squid ink paella by the sea—it was absolutely delicious and highly recommended!

ボケリア市場|La Boqueria Market
From seafood and meats to fruits and vegetables, the market is so colorful that just walking through it makes you feel full!

レイアール広場|Plaça Reial
People were playing instruments, chatting on benches, and enjoying drinks in the afternoon—felt so European! Again ordered some light tapas here to soak in the vibe.

When you think of Spain, flamenco comes to mind, so I decided to catch a performance there. It was an incredible experience!

It was my first time seeing flamenco show, and being able to watch the expressions and hand movements in detail made it even more captivating.

サンパウ病院|Hospital de Sant Pau
Along with the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can even see the actual hospital rooms that were used for medical treatments up until recently.

サグラダファミリア|Sagrada Família
The last but not least, The Sagrada Família, Spain’s iconic masterpiece, has been under construction for over 100 years. Gaudí never lived to see its completion, but it still stands out with an overwhelming presence compared to his other works. Unfortunately, the towers were closed due to strong winds, but I’m so glad I had a guide—it made the experience even better!

ライトアップも綺麗でした!The light-up at night was beautiful too!

Compared to the historical exterior, the interior of the Sagrada Família has a more modern feel. Honestly, I think the nature-inspired designs that are characteristic of Gaudí’s style are more strongly felt in Casa Milà and Casa Batlló.

Spain was one I’ve always wanted to visit ever since I studied Spanish in high school (though the real Spanish was too fast, I couldn’t understand anything…)Barcelona turned out to be more compact than I expected, and I was able to explore many of the landmarks and the Mediterranean area in just a few days. This time, I only visited Barcelona, but I’d love to return and explore other cities in Spain too. Gracias España!