郷に入れば郷に従え=When in Rome, do as the Romans doというように、英語ではローマが例えになる理由がなんとなくわかった旅でした。
We left Florence on an express train, enjoying pizza along the way once again, and headed to our final destination—Rome. The saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” made so much sense during this trip—I finally understood why Rome is used as the example in English!
「ローマの休日」スポット|”Roman Holiday” Spots
スペイン広場の階段|Spanish Steps
人が多く写真撮るのに一苦労でしたが、階段の上からちょうど見えた夕日がとても綺麗でした。It was quite a challenge to take photos with so many people around, but the sunset we saw from the top of the Spanish Steps was absolutely beautiful.

トレビの泉|Trevi Fountain
The atmosphere changes depending on the time of day, and there’s a mysterious charm that makes no one want to leave. Of course, I tossed a coin over my shoulder, wishing to return to Rome someday! By the way, tossing two coins is said to bring love, and three coins mean marriage! 💫

真実の口|The Mouth of Truth
こんなところにあったの?!という感じで突如現れます(笑)「嘘つきは手を噛み切られる」という伝説のある真実の口、映画の影響で何万人が手を入れたのだろう。。It suddenly appears out of nowhere haha According to legend, liars will have their hands bitten off. I wonder how many thousands of people have put their hands in, all thanks to the movie…

フェロロマーノ|Roman Forum
まるで異世界に来たかのような空間が残る遺跡。映画では、ふたりが出会った場所ですね。Roman Forum make it feel like you’ve stepped into another world. In the movie, this is where the two main characters first meet!

コロッセオ|The Colosseum
ローマのシンボルでもあるコロッセオ。2000年以上も前に建てられたものが残っていて中にも入れるだけでも感激ですが、闘技場として建てられたその歴史を感じられます。The Colosseum, a symbol of Rome. It’s incredible to stand in front of something that has been around for over 2,000 years, and being able to go inside is truly moving. You can really feel the history of it as an ancient arena for gladiatorial combat.

世界最小の国バチカン|Vatican City
It’s the smallest country in the world located within Rome. Despite its small size, it’s packed with incredible sights like St. Peter’s Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican Museums—there’s so much to see and experience!

イタリア旅行の注意点|Travel Tips for Italy
Especially in Rome, where people from all over the world gather, pickpocketing on the subway and buses is a real issue. Also, something that surprised me was how surprisingly little English is spoken!
A good tip: in Rome, drinkable water flows from fountains around the city, so carrying a water bottle could be very handy.
ではでは、最後にハートピザで❤︎また行けますように!And to wrap it up—here’s a heart-shaped pizza ❤︎. Hopefully, I’ll be able to go back again!
