I first encountered the movie “Les Misérables” when I was in middle school. At the time, I was in a children’s musical team, and it was recommended, so I went to see it in the theater. That movie became the catalyst for my passion for films over ten years. I’ll be highlighting the differences between the movie and the musical.
ミュージカル映画『レ・ミゼラブル』|The movie version
It was brought to a musical film in 2012, featuring an all-star cast, including Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway, who performed a cappella during filming, and later the orchestra music was added. This made the song scenes even more powerful and emotional as if they are lines. Personally, I love the Academy Awards rehearsal footage, where everyone sings naturally.
Over ten years later, the digital remaster and remix edition of Les Misérables was released, so I was able to watch it again in the theater! The visuals and sound were further upgraded, creating an experience that felt almost like a live performance.

ロンドンでミュージカル鑑賞| Musical in London
It had been my dream to see the Les Misérables musical, and I finally made it come true in London. And, I got to watch it from the very front row!

Since its premiere in London in 1985, Les Misérables has become a long-running success. Now, you can watch the show at the Sondheim Theatre, located near Chinatown in London. I booked my ticket in advance through their official website.

The theater’s interior was gorgeous. From the front row, I could see the details of the set. Additionally, the live orchestra playing right below the stage added an incredible sense of power and immersion. The biggest highlight of sitting in the front row was being able to clearly see the actors’ expressions. Not only their sweat and tears, but even can made eye contact with them (or at least, I think I did)!

映画とミュージカルの違い|Differences between movie & musical
映画版オリジナルソングがある|Original songs in the movie
The movie version includes an original song that isn’t in the musical. One of them is “Suddenly,” which Hugh Jackman sings at the beginning of the rehearsal video. It’s a scene where Valjean sings about experiencing love after meeting Cosette. The way the song captures the feeling of emotions that appeared “suddenly” is truly beautiful, isn’t it?
ファンティーヌが「夢やぶれて」を歌うタイミング|Timing of “I Dreamed a Dream”
In the movie, Fantine sings “I Dreamed a Dream” in her desperation after she sacrifices herself. On the other hand, in the musical, Fantine sings this song immediately after being fired from the factory.In this sense, the movie conveys the sadness even more, and Anne Hathaway’s performance made me tear up.
マリウスからの手紙を届ける人|Deliverer of the letter from Marius
In the movie, it’s Gavroche who delivers the letter Marius wrote to Cosette during the revolution, while in the musical, it’s Éponine. This is the only scene where Jean Valjean interacts with Éponine, meaning they never have any connection in the film. As a result, in the movie’s final scene, where Jean Valjean passes away, Éponine is not there to guide him, unlike in the musical.
その他の違い|Other differences
These are small personal observations…
The comical aspects of the Thénardiers really shine in the musical, thanks to the close interaction with the audience, while I also like the film version too.
Also, Enjolras feels more like a supporting character in the movie, but in the musical, his leadership and passion really stand out, and he comes across as very charismatic and heroic.
On stage, I was curious how Javert’s final scene would portray him jumping from the bridge, and I was really impressed. The river scene projected in the background with the water gradually moving closer to him as he stands at the front of the stage made it feel like he was truly leaping.
Overall, the movie version of Les Misérables is easier to follow, with a few additional connecting scenes. However, there’s no doubt that the stage musical brings an intensity that can’t be conveyed through the screen.
Les Misérables gives a powerful message that there were people who fought for freedom, and thanks to them, we now have the freedom to look toward a better tomorrow. Both the movie and the musical have their unique qualities, and no matter when you watch them, they give a sense of vitality and encouragement to keep going and strive for when tomorrow comes.